Some days I wake up thinking I’m a creative writer, this blog is the result. I call it my “Unrelated To Business Blog”. It’s a place for me to share my thoughts and have some fun. The subject matter will vary, and I will attempt to update it regularly. Hope you enjoy!

Have you been bullied?
I walk to the end of my driveway most mornings and pick up the Globe & Mail. Monday October 15 the headlines read “How bullies get away with it”. Tuesday reads “McGuinty’s resignation shocks Ontario”, but flip 3 pages and there it is again, the story of Amanda Todd, the 15 year old student that […]
Best movie line ever ?
The movie is called, As Good As It Gets. It stars Jack Nicholson and Helen Hunt. While out for dinner one night this deeply troubled man says these words to the women sitting across from him, “You make me want to be a better man”.
Am I a man worth listening to ?
Sharp Magazine, a publication for men has a new section called “ A Man Worth Listening To”.The first issue features Linden MacIntyre, a Canadian writer, broadcaster and producer. He appears regularly on The Fifth Estate and The Journal. This man is well read and up to date on current affairs, this makes him interesting. He […]